Promotional and Seasonal Window Painting
One of the best ways to attract customers to your store is to create some Visual Noise by adding an Advertising Message to your front windows.
Every time you change your message, customers will notice the change and be reminded of your store.
It will also add a good connection to the neighborhood to have seasonal messages in the Holiday Season.
Promotional Messages Year Round
Promotional message year round will get your store noticed. People are more likely to purchase items advertised.
• Grand Opening
• Big Sales
• Featuring a special product.
• Holidays – Easter, Back to school, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas and New year’s and many more.
Fast food restuarants know the value of promotional messages and change them regulary.
Every time a window message changes, that has become stale, new customers will notice
Reserve your Holiday windows now!
Holidays are coming soon. Reserve or contact now. The closer it gets to the holiday the more difficult it is to schedule.
How it works
Windows cost will vary, but a general rule of thumb
is $10-$50 per sqft total cost.
For large-sized projects (600 sq feet or larger) the cost
per square foot may be lower. Factors that determine cost:
Our minimum fee for a project is $100. This would cover a
simple window design or small wall painting.
• If you need your windows painted on a certain day, a small deposit must be paid in advance.
• All work will be paid upon completion of the window.
• Painting of widow includes:
o Discussion of message, image, and size
o Cleaning of window.
o Painting the image.
o Clean up of area after painting.