
Greg Whiting | Contemporary Southern Artist

In my work, I try to capture the culture and iconic imagery that reminds us of what it means to be living in the south.


My inspiration for subjects comes from my family’s history and old photos, southern foods, country and bluegrass music and everything southern. I want my work to create a feeling or spark a memory that makes you feel good.

In my painting techniques, I use acrylic, usually on canvas or wood. I like my work to have a contemporary style but somewhat realistic and I believe the use of flowing lines creates energy in the work. I also use other techniques to create special effects such as using layers of color, spraying moonshine on the paint (which does not mix with acrylic) creating unusual patterns.

I have been sketching and painting for as long as I remember. In my senior year of high school,  I won “artist of the year”. From there I went to art school to study Graphic Design. After college, I worked for advertising and marketing companies as a graphic designer, art director and most recently as a user experience web designer. I even did a short stint painting billboards (that is why I learned to paint large format artwork).

Over the years, I have had my work exhibited in galleries, won awards from art and advertising competitions, and even had a painting displayed for a special show at the High Museum.

You can see my work on my website, www.plumdangwild.com.



Promotional Messages Year Round

Promotional message year round will get your store noticed. People are more likely to purchase items advertised.

• Grand Opening
• Big Sales
• Featuring a special product.
• Holidays – Easter, Back to school, Thanksgiving, Black Friday, Christmas and New year’s and many more.

Order Now for the next sale.

Fast food restuarants know the value of promotional messages and change them regulary.
Every time a window message changes, that has become stale, new customers will notice

Order Now


Reserve your Holiday windows now!

Holidays are coming soon. Reserve or contact now. The closer it gets to the holiday the more difficult it is to schedule.

Button label

How it works


Windows cost will vary, but a general rule of thumb
is $10-$50
per sqft total cost.

For large-sized projects (600 sq feet or larger) the cost
per square foot may be lower. Factors that determine cost:

Our minimum fee for a project is $100. This would cover a
simple window design or small wall painting.


• If you need your windows painted on a certain day, a small deposit must be paid in advance.
• All work will be paid upon completion of the window.
• Painting of widow includes:
o Discussion of message, image, and size
o Cleaning of window.
o Painting the image.
o Clean up of area after painting.